Brit: Just hanging out! I feel really lonely. I wonder what Ashton is up to. I can’t get him out of my mind. He’s so hot!
Brit: I love nature. I can really relate to my favorite tree. We are both twisted and blown apart by the wind of time, gnarled and injured. Thank heaven my pants are comfy.
Brit: I am soooo drowsy. Got to get some oxygen in my brain!
Gotta change my mood. White, Let the light into my life. Ah, the ocean breeze, the sun on my skin. I know I’ll see Ashton again.
Girl Fight:
Brit to roommate Ava who shows up on Ocean Blvd.:
What are YOU doing here? I can’t believe you have the nerve to wear my blue Georgies. You know they are my favorite pants.
Brit: How dare you wear my blue Georgies? Because of you I had to grab these Georgies. They are much to long for me.
Ava: I´m going to wear those Georgies too if you don´t stop bitching, baby.
Brit: Don’t you call me baby! You stop bitching, bitch! Don´t think I don´t know that you met Ashton behind my back.
Ava: Only to protect you, hon! And by the way, I didn´t call him. He called me. And just so that you know: we made out.
Brit: yeah right, you kissed Asthon as a kind of sacrifice to protect me. Sure!
Ava: Exactly, hon. To show you what kind of guy he is.
Girl Reunion
Ava: You´re still too young for love.
Brit: Did Ashton say that?
Ava: No, but I do. He´ll break your heart and throw you away.
Brit: What if I want my heart broken and want to been thrown away?
Ava: Don´t be silly.
The girls hang out. Brit thinks about everything that Ava said.
Brit: Perhaps you´re right, I´m young. I am only 17 and never had a real boyfriend.
Ava: Let’s get a new perspective!
Girls' Night Out
Ava: Funny, you´re wearing the white Georgies. I´m wearing the blacks.
Brit: Yep, you´re the devil.
Ava: And you´re the angel, hon.
Still friends. Still best friends.
Ava and Brit: Let’s toast to being BFFs!
Georgie Girls Unite!
Performed by Britney Newton and Ava Vassileva.Eckhart Schmidt PhotographyThe End.